Fire Harvest Circle, an Eclectic Wiccan Coven, was founded Yule of 1999 for the purpose of creating a Circle where likminded Wiccans could safely gather, celebrate and grow. We have come to be and will continue to be a family of Pagans who share a spiritual path that is strengthened by vows we have made to our Gods, ourselves and our Coven. Our vows are empowered by our desire
~ To honor Deity as feminine, masculine, gender transcendent, and imminent within nature.
~To encourage and demonstrate the virtues of an Eclectic approach to Wicca, and with it to recognize there are many paths to the divine and Wicca is but one.
~To practice magick that is mindful of the Rede
~To respect the Law of Threefold return and the rewards of Karma
~To honor the Moon's phases in Esbat ritual.
~To honor the eight holidays: Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane,Litha, Lughnassadh and Mabon in Sabbat ritual.
~ To honor the elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and that which binds them all, Spirit.
~ To be devoted individually and as a whole to a life long journey of discovery and self-improvement.
~ To selectively initiate thus encouraging a close knit family of likeminded individuals within our Coven to be made up of people who share our vision as well as contribute their own strengths with friendship, trust and love.
~To fill all our gatherings with reverence and mirth.
~To create a Coven and gathering environment that makes welcome all individuals no matter their age, gender identity, physical ability, race, or sexual preference.
~To host gatherings that are open to non-initiates that provide a safe mature setting for learning, healing and celebration
~To respectfully represent our Paths, Gods and Coven within the Pagan community as well as the greater community of people from all walks of life
~To provide guidance, information, and emotional support in relation to Paganism to those who who request it and seek this Path honorably