Fire Harvest Circle

Meet and Greet
FHC uses the Meet and Greet Policy for all new guests. This policy is used for the safety of our Initiates as well as all of our guests. It's important for your safety as well as the integrity of the ritual. We waive meetings in the event that the new guest is known by a close associate of the Coven, and that associate is willing to vouch for the individual in question.

Steps of the Meet and Greet

- RSVP for an event at least a week in advance and in your request include your schedule.

- A member will contact you and make arrangements to meet with you at a public place, and you will receive their phone number.

- If you think you will be late or have to cancel please call the member! Emailing the day of the meeting doesn't guarantee that the member will read their email that day.

What to Expect

- The member will be trying to get to know you better, and will want to hear about your interest in Wicca, your experience and your influences. Be honest! We were all beginners once and it is better to be up front than to make exaggerated claims that you can't live up to.

- This is your opportunity to ask us lots of questions as well. Any fears, doubts or queries ideally should be handled now.

- We'll also explain the rules of our gatherings and what to expect at that particular gathering....things to bring, when to attend and how to get there.

* Meet and Greets are necessary for smooth sailing at gatherings. Nervousness is normal, but the good thing is that after a Meet and Greet you have the comfort of now knowing at least one person at the gathering!