This page was last updated on: July 31, 2015
Sabbat Gathering Rules

1. Everyone who attends must have a RSVP. If you are vouching for a new
guest you are responsible for making sure they understand the rules and
follow them.

2. All minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

3. You may not participate in ritual if you are intoxicated, high or
otherwise chemically impaired. If you need to get loaded to participate then
you are not ready to participate. This is for your own safety as well as the
other guests.

4. Respect the boundaries of others. Save the Great Rite for your Beltane

5. Respect the Paths of others. Not everyone who attends walks their Path
the way you do. If you have concerns about ritual take those up with someone
in charge before the gathering. If the way we do ritual is at odds with your
beliefs you should respectfully choose not to participate as opposed to
disrupting ritual for everyone else.

6. Respect my home, and the things in it. All drums are magickal tools and
most guests are happy to share theirs. Please ask permission first and
remember drums are not toys, drink coasters, or tables.

7. Respect ritual space.

8. Our open gatherings are relatively family-friendly. Please be mindful of
the presence of minors.

9. For the safety and enjoyment of all guests, watching ritual from outside
of ritual space is strongly discouraged. If you would like to attend please
plan to participate, otherwise plan to wait elsewhere during ritual.

10. FHC embraces a broad community of many very different yet like-minded
people, therefore we do not tolerate any racist or homophobic language or
attitudes in our gatherings. Words have power. Do not let your ignorance
make you a permanently un-wanted guest.