A great deal has changed since that Yule of 1999. Members have come and gone, and we now are a Coven of seven initiates joined by the many wonderful fellow Pagans we call friends in our area.
Not long into our organization we discovered that we preferred a non-hierarchical structure. This means that no one member's voice has a greater weight in decision making, and that there are no official titles or roles. We also instituted consensus decision making. Nothing occurs policy-wise unless all active initiates agree. This means that deliberation takes time, but it also increases trust and puts a great value on healthy communication.
We now offer a twenty five week Wicca 101 course for free as well as hosting various classes and gatherings to celebrate the Sabbats. A majority of our gatherings are open to guests as the focus of our group has become one of networking, education and celebration. Please check out our Mission Statement for more on that.
Our gatherings are open but only after a Meet and Greet . Ritual is a moment of sharing between the worlds where all participants are joined. What occurs in ritual space should be in an environment of perfect love and perfect trust. Meet and Greets enable us to have a safer more smoothly flowing ritual and gathering. It assures the safety of our guests and our initiates.
Our long term goals as a Coven remain the same. Emphasis upon the bonds within our Coven, networking with other Pagans, creating safe mature environments for education and celebration and representing our Path to the best of our ability. The rewards for working diligently within our Pagan community for change have been endless, and we are forever grateful the opportunities given to us that brought us together as a Coven.
With Blessings,
FHC Initiates